Hello from Orchard Hill Cavaliers (reg).
Please note that we are Orchard Hill Cavaliers
(reg). Our kennel name is registered with the American Kennel Club and we have
been successfully involved in Cavaliers for twenty years. Sadly, a puppy mill
has begun using our name, calling themselves "Orchard Hills." Obviously this
causes confusion and reflects poorly on ourselves.
Erica Venier and her daughter Rachel Venier are
the only legitimate "Orchard Hill Cavaliers." AKC Breeders of Merit and AKC
Judge # 98001, we are proud to be well-respected among our peers both within
the United States and internationally.
Thank-you so much for your attention to this
unfortunate situation.
Erica Venier, Breeder of Merit AKC
Judge # 98001 Orchard Hill Cavaliers, reg. 610-926-1294
2019 Breeder article by
Allan Reznik for ShowSight Magazine click here
Latest available puppies
click here |
Orchard Hill Farm is located on a quiet
hillside on the outskirts of Reading, Pennsylvania. Living with us in our home
we normally keep only a handful of select Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, all
of whom have been thoroughly tested by veterinary specialists for the health
problems that affect the breed.
As joyful temperaments are a hallmark of
the breed, we breed and show only outgoing, friendly Cavaliers.
We are dedicated to the philosophy that the
welfare of our dogs and the future of the breed supercede all personal
We plan each breeding carefully, choosing
always for health, type, temperament, and conformation.
