AKC GCh Silver/CKCSC, USA CH, Can CH Orchard Hill Toy Money

Bred by Erica & Rachel Venier
co-owned with Julia Johns

Benjamin winning Best In Specialty under World-Renowned Judge Mr. Michael Forte
at the ACKCSC National Independent Specialty

Benjamin winning Best in Show at the CKCSC of the NE under Mr. Ernie Patterson

Benjamin winning Award of Merit under Breeder Judge Ms. Shirley Fippin
to Qualify for Crufts 2019 & 2020

Parents Grandparents Great Grandparents Great Great Grandparents
Ch Chantismere Chandos of Valentyne Ch & Eng Ch Lanola Santana of Maibee Maibee Montrose Craigowl Dixon
Maibee the Stand In
Eng Ch Lanola Salsa Eng Ch Tameline Northern Dancer
Amantra Medici Del Lanola
Chantismere Casta Diva At Corduke Eng Ch Beauella Radzinski Eng Ch Pascavale Enchanted
Saleden Spice
Chantismere Silent Moon Over Corduke Ch Grantilley Shadow Moon
Chantismere Tessa
Orchardhill Too Many Toys BISS GCH Aranel Renaissance Eng Ch Aranel Cosmic Eng Ch Miletree Nijinsky
Aranel Arabesc
Aranel Romantic Rosscrea Rosscrea Diplomatic
Arenal Francesca
BISS CKCSC-USA/AKC/CKC Ch. Orchard Hill Ingenue JW CKCSC-USA/AKC/Can Ch. Orchard Hill Here For The Party, OA, OAJ Ch Sheeba Artemis
CKCSC Ch Orchard Hill Party Shoes
CKCSC-USA/AKC Ch Orchard Hill Nice Boots Baby Ch Sheryane Rutherford Jamison
CKCSC Ch Orchard Hill Party Shoes